Thursday 18 January 2018

Life behind the blog

ENG: When life requires more presence than the blog, you accept things and do as life dictates.
   Sometimes the life behind the blog can be more exciting and thrilling, more crushed than any writer can't tell in 10 blogs together. Reality is much more complex, imperfect and more authentic than any blog or Instagram account.

   When you feel like you are and you represent more than you can express in a blog, you stop a short time and meditate a little bit. You are not the size of your clothes, you are not the brand you wear, the make-up, you are not the color of your hair. You are much more than that: the books you have read, the words you are saying, the places you've been to, what you call home, you are a smile, you are the tear, you are an emotion, you are what you think, what you dream, you are beautiful but you forgot when you decided to let go with the wave and choose everything you are not.


RO:  Cand viata cere mai multa prezenta de spirit decat blogul, te conformezi si faci asa cum iti dicteaza viata.
  Uneori viata din spatele blogului poate fi mult mai interesanta si mai palpitanta, mai incalcita decat poate un om sa povesteasca in 10 bloguri la un loc. Realitatea este cu mult mai complexa, imperfecta si mai autentica decat orice blog sau cont de instagram.

  Atunci cand simti ca esti si reprezinti mai mult decat poti exprima intr-un blog, te opresti putin si meditezi. Nu esti marimea hainelor tale, nu esti brand-ul pe care il porti, nu esti culoarea parului tau. Esti mult mai mult de atat: cartile pe care le-ai citit, cuvintele pe care le rostesti, locurile in care ai fost, ceea ce tu numesti acasa, esti zambet, esti lacrima, esti emotie, esti ceea ce crezi, ceea ce visezi, esti frumoasa dar ai uitat in momentul in care ai decis sa te lasi purtata de val si sa alegi tot ceea ce nu esti.

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